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Bokdan0: Quill in space dressed in a spacesuit and some technological devices.

ALERT, unfortunately, original animation was too big, and boru couldn't let me post it here. In source, you have a link to Deviantart to actual original animation.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Quill in space dressed in a spacesuit and some technological devices.

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KuroNeko: That's a pretty cool animation.
I love what you did with her eye. And that stary background is really pretty.

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: Is he usin' a ray gun, a lasgun or a plasma rifle?

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damrok4321: I really like it. Very pretty nebula in the background. The eye looks cool too

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ADudeCalledLeo: Quill's a cyborg now I guess
This is really good art, and a really cool animation!
(is the constellation in the background supposed to be Katia's head or a really badly drawn heart)

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Bokdan0: @KuroNeko: @damrok4321: Aww, thanks. I'm gonna give space quill some more love in the future so it's not the last time when you see this eye.
@xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: It's she and there are no weapons in the art so I don't understand the question. If you meant universe the picture is set on, it's none I know about, I just draw quite a lot space battles in childhood so I'm going to expand ideas from the past.
@ADudeCalledLeo: Thanks for the kind words. Constellation in the background meant to be Katia head. I will make it looks more clear in future works.

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Zargothrax: "sbady"?
And yes those are beautiful eyes, with those reflections. Nice, magical looking nebula!