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Bokdan0: A friend ask me to draw a black templar terminator and I wanted to draw Katia and here we are. Seeing this heresy.

The entire piece was made with only 1 brush, without any blending tool, and without any fancy effects just to see how this will go.

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Skybolt06: that's some damn impressive art for one brush!
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Varanonegro: Excelente dibujo

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KuroNeko: She looks so confused.
Pretty impressive for something done with limited tools.

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damrok4321: Looks really nice, good job

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Zargothrax: Incredible! Especially the mask and the blood stains. Katia's face looks quite odd, but overall, great painting!

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ADudeCalledLeo: Getting back to Kvatch in style!
(Katia took her clothes off to prevent them from getting ruined by blood.)
Great painting!

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AMKitsune: @Bokdan0: No blending, and presumably only a single layer? You utter mad genius!
I'm just going to 'headcanon' this into "so much time has passed since Katia arrived at Kvatch, emperor's have been and gone, but ASOTIL endures. Refusing to let the march of time interfere with his service of the emperor, he battles across the planes of oblivion, but remembering that he never completed that one patrol route, he came back and escorted our feline friend (who also hadn't aged a day (comic logic)) back to Anvil. Katia's lack of clothes? Who can say? She probably got into a fist fight with a mudcrab a couple of minutes before ASOTIL arrived. You know it doesn't have to make sense."

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Bokdan0: Thank you all for the kind words

@Zargothrax: Mask is the main focal point so I gave it the most love, glad you like it. Somehow while painting, her face shape evolved into rat kinda look

@ADudeCalledLeo: Highwaymans don't stand a chance.

@AMKitsune: This piece was basically the dance with opacity, sizes, and colors to get it done. I made few pars of layers (one for basic color and the second with alpha on to do highlight), for example, the terminator is made on 6 layers.
The story behind it is open for any interpretation.
Mine was that: drunk Katia + magic = all kind of "friends". Blood belongs to the enemies that she pointed (while begin drunk) to her companion but now she is sober, not sure what is going on, where her clothing is, and who is this dude she is riding.

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: why iz da yellow git not armed with any kind of shoota or slugga