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AyGee: "What even is your VIT? You shouldn't be fat rolling in only part of the knight set."

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Skybolt06: haha, ha... *sniff* I wish I got this dark souls reference, but I've never played it or watched gameplay so... anyway, nice art!

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ADudeCalledLeo: @Skybolt06: Not a Dark Souls player, but AFAIK that message heralds a "hostile spirit" that's come to beat your ass. And considering this is Dark Souls, well...
Anyway, good art!

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_Noxygen_: I couldn't even get through the second boss in the first one, nice arting!

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CheydinhalWell: Quick, equip pyromancy flame!
Or just go hollow :C

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_ghouldaddy_: POV: its 2012 youre boutta get annihilated by a shrek meme build