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Tejo: cute

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Rick2tails: yes cute kitty!

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KuroNeko: Pretty nice style

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KCDodger: Katia says Trans Rights!
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Bettervvizer: Katia being MtF trans would make a lot of sense.

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ADudeCalledLeo: very good art!

happy pride month nerds

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MaroonTheCat: I'm very (pleasantly) surprised at the positive response to this picture. I'd honestly sworn off Prequel after an incident with a few particular fans of the comic years ago. However I'm re-considering and I might draw more Katias in the future.
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GrizzlyBear: Well don’t let that be indicative of the whole community. In my experience people here are always pretty friendly

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14crack_user: o7 one of few flags i care about,

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_ghouldaddy_: Very pog.

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Latimew333: 100% canon because I say so