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Tags accidents_waiting_to_happen artist:redout character:Katia_Managan merchandise questionable text
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tjk: (19, if anybody's wondering.)

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Yugjak: Let's face it, you really don't care right now, do you.

Katia: Nooooope *giggles*

Just, and be honest, at least tell me you're old enough for...well...'having kids'?

Katia: Why don't you step over here and find out?

Um, because I don't want to get arrested if you're not.

Katia: I won't say anything if you don't...

Oh boy...

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Mediocre_Scrublord: did you go on all of the questionable posts and write scripts for them

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Nefel: Just let him go, Medi. He's doing what he loves.