Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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bluedraggy: 1 of 3. I think I can get away without questionable on these. But I've been wrong before. I have a very slight backstory for these. QW has been taking a lifeguarding course (because who better than an Argonian?) Katia has agreed to assist her with her homework - so this is Lifeguard Training. I'd tried to put all 3 images together, but as bad as it looks now, it looked worse when compressed. Other two look better than this one. Also I find I enjoy designing swimsuits! Woe be to anyone who would ever have to wear one of my designs, but I do like finding new and interesting ways to NOT reveal naughty bits.

Sorry if I go on too long, but I've always found lifeguards inherently funny. You hire a 16 or 17 year old at minimum wage or less, and then give them authority over an entire pool including adults. There's going to be issues.

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Rick2tails: instructions unclear assume QW is 17 and give her minimum wage . also nice flailing kitty arm there!