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Uploader Boaty,
Tags blood Hyperbole_and_a_Half Khajiit Long_gif_Contest long_hair questionable spoilers text
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Boaty: The rules to the Long Gif Contest were vague and loose enough to allow this sort of stuff to happen - completely legal under the rules that were give. (https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/1318).

I made with with paint.net, and extreme use of the "magic wand" tool and layers.

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Boaty: In retrospect, I probably should've changed the "Danger" sign to "Danzig". Might make even more sense.
And I just now realize this isn't in gif format. My point still stands.

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Boaty: Wait... is this technically my OC or yours, Kazerad?

I made this following all the contest rules... ???

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Boaty: Readers. Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible.

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Boaty: You will unlock a door you may haven't seen before.

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Boaty: Or perhaps lock one you already opened...