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Rick2tails: whatever that is doesnt really work as a car either XD love the pose though ;)

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ADudeCalledLeo: nah who tf driving the doorstop
Good art!

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Zargothrax: Citicar? I wondered how fast I can find out what that is. Not much, it was the first result when googling "ugliest cars of the 70s". Still, it must have been an inspirational design for Elon Musk when making the Cybertruck.
Anyway, I agree with Quill here. No amount of cats can compensate for a design like that. But! The internet loves cats, so there's a market where Katia can make herself useful and become the center of attention. Magazines with cute cats. That's what you were thinking about, Quill, right? Right?
Nice artwork either way!

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bluedraggy: I just found out Cider has decreed that Jesse's canon car is a Miata. I am therefore bound by law to create another with her doing something lewd to a Miata. :)