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Uploader rollanan,
Tags Anvil_docks artist:rollanan black_eyes boat character:Katia_Managan Khajiit rags
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rollanan: some docks + Katia

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AMKitsune: Now I simply have to ask how this was made.

My first guess would have to be that you 3d modelled the pier, then drew over it with your normal vector program, adding in the boat and Katia, then painting the shading and texturing on top of that.

My second would be that you didn't use 3d, but instead used some kind of perspective guides.

Third, and least likely, would be that you just freehanded the whole thing. No references, no guides.

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rollanan: your first guess is correct!, the boat is 3ded too, im just plain lazy

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AMKitsune: You modelled the boat? Well there goes any respect I ever had for you or your work. Such a shame to, if only you cared enough and weren't so lazy...
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GrizzlyBear: Katia “starting a new life” on a new dock on a new continent after she fucked up in every province in Tamriel