DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Serve your overlords. Submit images. Image Uploader KillerfishSG, January 1, 2014; 02:54 Tags artist:KillerfishSG blushing booze character:Katia_Managan drunk hoodie_katia modern_clothing pineapple questionable Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible January 1, 2014; 02:56 - Reply KillerfishSG: I hope people know that I'm actually not a pineapple. January 1, 2014; 09:27 - Reply CoolestUsername: That's what you want us to think. January 1, 2014; 11:29 - Reply SomeShadyGuy: Yeah, I know a pineapple when I see one. January 1, 2014; 14:04 - Reply tronn: Strangely enough that's not even alcohol in that bottle, just carrot juice. January 14, 2014; 15:55 - Reply Moo_questionmark_or_aggy: Mehahaha! Coz its your name May 23, 2014; 15:32 - Reply Tack: @Tron: Maybe it's been sitting long enough to become fermented and alcoholic June 10, 2014; 11:10 - Reply Higuera: carrot juice? NO,thats PINEAPPLE JUICE!!! September 28, 2018; 01:09 - Reply DOOMGUY11: Shes so drunk that she thought the pineapple was fish. How tf?!XD September 28, 2018; 14:59 - Reply Rick2tails: those days are long behind her now. Katia will have fun with men who respect her ..like me seriously though this is silly
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