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MikeyTheFox: Kaz was feeling down about that you can't make a transparent hoodie in real life. So I made him one in second life.

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KillerfishSG: Hoodie Katia: C-can I have this hoodie?

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Mediocre_Scrublord: i dont really think this could be called questionable, i mean, katia barely wears anything anyway

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Unidentified_BA: @Mediocre_Scrublord: It's questionable because of that flagrant, unfiltered web browsing going on in the background.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: ooh, scandalous!

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tjk: "You can't make a transparent hoodie in real life"

Aren't there so many fucking different transparent materials out there that



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MikeyTheFox: @tjk: I think so but I'm not 100% sure on that.

Kazerad: For a while I really wanted to know if there was a way to make transparent blue hoodie
MikeyTheFox: Possably ya
Kazerad: but sadly, there seems to not be
MikeyTheFox: Well it wouldn’t be made out of cotton or wool
MikeyTheFox: Plastic, like a raincoat maybe
Kazerad: yeah, that’s the point whre it stops being a hoodie I think
MikeyTheFox: Pff Hoodies are just raincoats that are made of warm fuzzy material.
MikeyTheFox: and get soggy and wet in the rain
MikeyTheFox: they fail to do their job

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tjk: If Kaz has lots and lots of money he can make an aerogel coat! Best insulator out there, but it might be too transparent (and non-malleable, or whatever the word for not-bendy is)