Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.


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tjk: I fucking KNEW you'd upload this omg

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Mediocre_Scrublord: y'all need jesus

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tjk: This looks too much like Cider's art. ???

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tjk: Also wow this looks so much more questionable with that pineapple covering the lack-of-action

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Mediocre_Scrublord: true

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Mediocre_Scrublord: i think obviously pornish pictures like these (and that one with the leotard shouldnt be on the site

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SomeDork: there are some way more questionable submissions by even kazerad himself on the site(mostly played for laughs but still.) I'd say anyone willing to click through the pineapple should be more than prepared for what might be behind it.
But at the end of the day it's whoever actually moderates the booru's decision.

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tjk: That one with the leotard?

I dunno. I mean, in the end, fanart is fanart. Sometimes it's nudity without purely prurient intent. Sometimes, like in this case, it's not-nude but totally prurient. Sometimes, it's a sexual act without prurient intent! (Like that one about how Katia can beat Sigrid because her boobs are bigger.)

It'll probably be when things are controversial (like this; we're controversing about it!) that decides if it gets deleted or not.

Which is why I think the secret pornographic fanart section should be revealed to the general public, just with an age-gate, so we don't have people posting that stuff here.

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Unidentified_BA: This is not overly crossing the line to me. It shall stay.

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Kazerad: @tjk: I know you were joking about the secret pornographic fanart section, but I'm pretty sure Shimmie actually has a built-in ratings system we're not actually using, and it's set so anything rated "explicit" is only visible to administrators. This site could be full of porn and you would never know.

In all seriousness though, I'm content with my nothing-higher-than-questionable limits, as well as my funny pineapple censorship on the questionable thumbnails.

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tjk: That seems like a security flaw. 0:
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Petrified_Yo-yo: NEEDS TO BE A GIF 0////0