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CaptainLackwit: >No Vivec with Celestia

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Diocletithik_Nagnaresh: did someone sneak skooma into my mead or am i drinking the essence of madness?

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Man_Of_Mer: @Dio_N_word_guy: I'm thinking a bit of both.

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Fr3SHSw4GM0n3Y: average day of mine

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korblborp: uummmmm....

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Asa_of_elswher: This right here is fuckin amazing.

Also skooma is the drug of champions.

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Rick2tails: dont do drugs,kids!

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PermanentFace: I cannot modify the tags here for some reason, which is terrible, because I need to replace 'fork_of_horripolation' with 'fork_of_horripilation'.

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AMKitsune: @PermanentFace: There's a weird bug that I only managed to uncover a day or so ago. Turns out that the web server doesn't like it when the source field contains "http://". Something to do with a security setting I have no control over. If you ever encounter this problem again, just remove that part from the source, leaving www.whatever and it should work for you.