DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip. Image Uploader AMKitsune, February 28, 2015; 17:34 Tags artist:AMKitsune artist:makingfailure Bastet character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra Daedric_text Egyptian Khajiit knock_off magnus questionable Sekhmet text wallpaper Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible February 28, 2015; 18:48 - Reply Mediocre_Scrublord: Now I can see why the ancient egyptians worshiped cats *wiggles eyebrows furiously* February 28, 2015; 21:14 - Reply PermanentFace: ...khajiit worshiped above all else strange as one was a chronic fuckup and... February 28, 2015; 21:19 - Reply PermanentFace: s r b k e a a a k j s t h i t i m r e a e r t t a February 28, 2015; 21:19 - Reply PermanentFace: Sorry: sr ea kj hi mr er ta and bk aa st ti ea t February 28, 2015; 21:21 - Reply PermanentFace: ......and the other was not a vere(y?) nice person... March 1, 2015; 09:54 - Reply Maroc: What's interesting is that Egyptian women usually went topless because of the heat. Some rich women could afford see through silk tops March 1, 2015; 10:07 - Reply CaptainLackwit: @Maroc: There's nothing in that sentence that doesn't make me go, "Dayum." March 1, 2015; 10:57 - Reply Vidiotdragon: Its time to dddddduel! March 1, 2015; 12:44 - Reply VashTheStampede: 3:00, church parking lot. We ain't using your lame card game. March 1, 2015; 17:35 - Reply Itriedmanitried: whats with the sudden influx of Egyptian stuff? March 1, 2015; 18:16 - Reply Mediocre_Scrublord: a dude requested katia as an egyptian god and it got done, so they asked for rajiira as a slightly different egyptian god, which got done, then it was mashed together. it's only like 4 images. March 2, 2015; 16:42 - Reply yugijak: this. picture. YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! Also, thanks for the rocking translation PermanentFace! February 12, 2016; 12:09 - Reply BadReligion: And this is religion which I can profess. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) If Katia is Bastet... http://inonibird.tumblr.com/post/102042327080/stick-gods-how-to-summon-a-cat-goddess No time to waste! Dammit I love mythology and references to them, but my memory is pissing me off... Where is "add to favorite" button? :c
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e a a a
k j s t
h i t i
m r e a
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We ain't using your lame card game.
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it's only like 4 images.
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Also, thanks for the rocking translation PermanentFace!
If Katia is Bastet...
No time to waste!
Dammit I love mythology and references to them, but my memory is pissing me off...
Where is "add to favorite" button? :c