The only reward you shall receive is eternal pain and maybe a comment or two.


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Gren: It's Greater Impmaster Murderboss, actually.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: fix'd

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CaptainLackwit: Realtalk tho she really fucked that thing up.

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PermanentFace: @CaptainLackwit: Who knew she could be so badass?

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POMA: Rajirra did. Why do you think she escaped the attic? Scared the murderboss? Hell no, she foresaw the collateral damage Katia inflicted.

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Gren: What scares me now is that she'd be fighting Sigrid in a couple of hours. Yeah I know, she IS badass, but Sigrid is versed in each of the eight schools of magic (including Necromancy) and a master of Alchemy. I'm not sure that some kitty moves, fire spells and telekinesis will be enough to face her. So, unless she learns something else on the way, I'd say the sneak approach is still the best plan.

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CaptainLackwit: @POMA: For what it's worth, you have a point. Katia is INCREDIBLE at destroying things. Funny as it is, I'm not exactly convinced that the fire that engulfed the wall had anything to do with the Imp Murderboss either. I'm fairly certain that was her subconscious doing. You know, like most of the fires that spontaneously start around her. Hell the Murderboss hismelf got burned, literally, by what Katia said.

But seriously she's essentially an avatar of destruction. Wherever she goes, things fall apart or get destroyed, often quite violently. I'm not saying Rajirra saw this. At all... But, it's funny that Katia's tendencies have been destructive in a multitude of ways in the past and oft times in the current, yeah?

I haven't slept in hours.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: >I haven't slept in hours.
most humans haven't. Generally, you're supposed to go without sleep for up to 16 hours a day.

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Man_Of_Mer: I just thought about it. Although Katia has proven herself as a badass, she essentially scorched and destroyed a lot, if not all (depending on how many crates you blocked with) of the merchant lady's wares. Maybe she does screw up everything.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: Despite everything, I genuinely believe that katia's gonna be okay for at least a few updates.

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PermanentFace: @Mediocre_Scrublord: Ha! Hahaha! That is funny joke you make, comrade!

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Sasquatch_boote: @PermanentFace i actually agree. I feel like kaz has to start making progress with katia eventually, or everyone will get sick of the lack of dynamics and leave. Thats why she didn't completely fuck everything up this update. The raid on sigrid's place will be similar to the imp thing in my opinion. 1) She obviously wont be as succesful as she could be, but maybe she will get something to bring back to QW, or 2) She will be suprisingly successful, but something will counteract that so that she is semi successful, i.e. getting mugged, loosing it in a stupid way, etc.

Anyone want to place their bets?

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Man_Of_Mer: 500 Septims on number 1! *Pelts Boote with gold*

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PermanentFace: @Sasquatch_boote: You're all deluding yourselves. That Katia has just pwned the head off a Great Impmaster Murderboss in truly spectacular fashion means only that she has once again exhausted her accumulated karma and is now operating in a deficit. A crisis is incoming, mark my words.

Put me down for two grand on Katia being cheated out of her payment altogether by Rajirra, failing catastrophically to confront Sigrid, and plunging into another vortex of despair before sunrise.

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CaptainLackwit: By crisis
You mean Oblivion Crisis

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Bob: Dramatic Plot twist: Murderboss imp was the storekeep's pet imp.


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PermanentFace: @CaptainLackwit: If the Oblivion Crisis hits before Katia leaves the city, we're even more screwed than I fear.

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POMA: Katia will hit Imperial City prison when it happens. That's the only constant fact we know about whole Prequel thing

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Nefel: Why do you think she's the Hero of Kvatch?

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Gren: @Nefel: Of course she's not! The hero of Kvatch is ASOTIL!

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VashTheStampede: Shes the Oblivion hero I keep saying it nobody listened until now!

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CaptainLackwit: We really do not actually know that.

I mean it's definitely possible but is it likely? We can't really know for sure. It's what we assume, but that's why I don't necessarily believe it. Because it IS the easiest answer/conclusion.

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CatbeastLover: @CaptainLackwit

It's blatantly obvious. @POMA mentioned the imperial prison, which we can see coming, this means that Katia will survive the fall of Kvatch, and will end up with her being the hero we see in Oblivion.

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PermanentFace: @CatbeastLover: I don't understand your reasoning.

I, like most of us I presume, hope very much that Katia is the Champion of Cyrodiil. But WE DO NOT KNOW THIS YET.

That Poma mentioned the Imperial Prison means... nothing. Poma, I'm pretty sure, doesn't have access to Kazerad's sketchboard, and so isn't any more qualified than you or I to speculate on what's to come.

What do you mean "which we can see coming?" We can guess that it's coming, but we do not KNOW.

The POSSIBILITY that Katia will become the Champion of Cyrodiil is blatantly obvious, but there is no GUARANTEE that this will happen.

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CatbeastLover: @PermanentFace: It'll happen, I swear on these scaley argonian bones.

If not I owe you twenty pictures of catbeast

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PermanentFace: @CatbeastLover: I prefer payment in cool, hard septims.