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AMKitsune: Yeh, it's not that good in itself, but maybe a better designer than myself (pretty much anyone XD) will get some ideas from it.

I couldn't help making up a little back-story for it.

(I was half tempted to upload a transparent PNG with nothing in it to begin with. You know, on account of it being invisible)

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bluedraggy: Frankly I'm happy to get these going, so you're cloak is fine with me. But I'm also hoping that it won't be JUST a cloak but some stealtier-type clothing to go with it. Throwing this over the Arena armor won't make it quieter, and Katia needs something to wear when she removes the cloak too. Assassin or Thieves armor as a base would seem appropriate.
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MetalC0Mmander: If it comes to that I'm pretty sure she can remove the metal part of the armor. Won't help for the dried imp blood smell though.