Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images.


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Makkon: Inspired by a few elements from NickTaken's design. Loved the wrapped feet and the rounded shawl.

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CaptainLackwit: I like it, and love your style! It's a bit busy color wise but shape wise I really, really love it. Like the hood over the cloak adding that second layer, that REALLY makes it. Love the layering.

I will just go ahead and say, i'd love to see this in the other design's colors. I think that'd be perfect.

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Makkon: @CaptainLackwit Good idea, actually! Posting that and some variants now.

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Radian: Really good. The fourth is best, on my opinion. I can't decide between yours and Sock's design, both are cool.

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Radian: @Radian: Oh, please forgive my incredibly silly mistakes. My English sucks sometimes.

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Sasquatch_boote: Personally I'm a fan of that second one. For me that's a winner.

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RandomDude: i really like the 2nd one

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Aara: Wow, this really reminds me of the design of Jace Beleren's cloak from the Ravnica arc of Magic. This is great Makkon!

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Sasquatch_boote: @Aara holy shit youre right. I fukkin hate jace.