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Tags character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch sleepy
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POMA: My cat waking me at 5 a.m. for entire week now and I can't go to sleep after waking up so this picture pretty much shows me now.

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Geravind: There is something odd with that line of closed eye...
...Oh, got it! -- lower eyelid is not so movable and it has to be smaller than upper one.
Try harder about her arms...

She's pretty cool anyway. Thanks.

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SixBelow: I agree with Geravind on what should be worked on in your drawing. Her right arm seems to have good form, but it looks a little short. Her left also suffers from looking truncated and a lack of muscle/tissue definition in the forearm. Extending the upper arms a little should help with the length issue.

Here is a good resource that might help: http://snigom.deviantart.com/art/Arms-and-Hands-Tutorial-44397669

As for the mouth, head, and ears, I find those to be drawn pretty well. I think they show a good understanding of facial structure, especially at that angle (something I struggle at myself).

Hope this was helpful!

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POMA: It wasn't helpful, i'm an asshole who can't draw but still can pretty much see every wrong line i do. http://i.imgur.com/Gtlapta.png

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SixBelow: @POMA: Yeah, it's pretty demoralizing when you look at your art and see only mistakes. And odds are, early on, it's filled with mistakes. But keep in mind your skill level and use that as a sort of benchmark. Ask yourself, "Did I do well for me?", and build on it. "[One day, you'll awake] with a new sense of purpose. You're no longer afraid of failure. Failure is just an opportunity to learn something new."

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POMA: And now it's the moment when you realize I didn't ask for handy tutorials, lifecoaching or any kind of JUSTDOIT. I JUSTPOSTED a sketch. End of story

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SixBelow: @POMA: Alright, I'll be on my way.

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DestinedFateX: @POMA: "Don't let your dreams be dreams."