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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Radian: Crossover with Transistor because it's damn awesome. You have to play it if not played yet.

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POMA: Her face with this pose is saying "Im fucking tired of singing, just let me sleep or shoot me in the face".

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Geravind: @POMA: Can't you see? She's sleeping already!

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Radian: This is amazing, man :p good job! :3

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AMKitsune: Amazing painting.
Has to be said though, I'm not sure what to make of the red hair. It's just about unfamiliar enough to me to seem weird. Then again, I'm not familiar with the crossover so that's understandable enough XD.
Once again, fantastic stuff :D

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Kewot_Rokar: *Ahem* WHAT IN OBLIVION IS THAT?!

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Tahrey: I'm tempted to give this a "questionable" tag, just because of what we can't see out of shot which may be creating that reaction o_O

In any case...
# Quand nous chanterons le temps des cerises
# Et gai rossignol et merle moqueur
# Seront tous en fête
# Les belles auront la folie en tête
# Et les amoureux du soleil au cœur
# Quand nous chanterons le temps des cerises
# Sifflera bien mieux le merle moqueur

...if anyone wants to attempt a french language Katiafication, be my guest (I wouldn't even know where to start)

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Tahrey: *googles for Transistor*
Ah, I think this might be the inspiration pic, or at least some version of it. Brilliant work on recreating that :)


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Geravind: Красяво -- блики прожекторов и тени на лбу.
Кхаджит одобряе. =*_*= (неумышленный мем :р)

Khajiit likes these glares and shading.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: OF THE WORLD

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Mediocre_Scrublord: SPARKLE AND SHINE

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Mediocre_Scrublord: LIGHT THE INSIDE

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Radian: @Mediocre_Scrublord: At least one dude played Transistor. AND THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG!

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catchTwentythree: @Radian: What, better than We All Become? D: Or Paper Boats?

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Radian: @catchTwentythree: Yup, The Spine is first in my list. Paper boats and We All Become are second and third.
Also, Old friends is my ringtone, Paper Boats is my mom's ringtone.

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Valkaiser: I particularly like the the fuzziness of the ears.