Geravind: @POMA: Они не очень одинаковы: у той мордаха заинтересованно-удивлённая, а у этой немножко бешеная... смысле одержимая. Левое ухо (низ) чуть сильнее нужного выглядывает. ("Вечно ты влезешь со своими, морда усатая! Тебе лишь бы... покритиковать!")
Кхаджит так видит -- Кхаджит не виноват. =-_-=
Tahrey: Aw, I liked the one with the less angry face and non-munched poptart, even if the colouring was incomplete. Couldn't we have had two separate uploads? :3
AMKitsune: @KillerfishSG: There've been a few, but not as many as recent clothed pictures.
@POMA: Ooh, what a conundrum! with every bite, she gets less and less hungry but looses more and more of her dignity! Whatever should she do?
Seriously though, great job on this. The only thing that's missing here is her lighter chest colouration. Besides that though, top notch stuff :D
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Кхаджит так видит -- Кхаджит не виноват. =-_-=
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This one thinks the art is pretty good.
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Also a fur coloured bra.
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@POMA: Ooh, what a conundrum! with every bite, she gets less and less hungry but looses more and more of her dignity! Whatever should she do?
Seriously though, great job on this. The only thing that's missing here is her lighter chest colouration. Besides that though, top notch stuff :D