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Tags character:Katia_Managan crafting inconsistent_rendering knock_off Kvatch_arena_armor photo
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Geravind: Катеньке понравилось, уиииииииииии!
"Кхаджит одобряе."

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RoninSmall: I do not know how to react. but the idea is great :D

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Kewot_Rokar: If only I could...

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Tahrey: Kateyme Ponravipocv, yiiiiiii!
"Khajiit Odosr?i"

...Yeah, I suck at trying to transliterate cyrillic without a cheat sheet. But I think there is at least some kind of familiar-diminutive form of Katia in there, as well as "Khajiit" of course (or "Kcadchit")...

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Tahrey: Also, if you can sign up one of those cheap-ass ceramic figurine production houses (you know, the ones that sell tat on the back covers of TV guides) to make copies of this on the sly... £10 says Beth would never find out.

Only (twelve easy monthly payments of) £12.99!

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Tahrey: GTrans says:
Katenyke ponravilosy, uiiiiiiiiiii!
"Khajiit approved."

Though the second line was "Caggiano approval" until I corrected it. I mean, wtf?

What's a ponravilosy, anyway?

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Tahrey: ...Katia likes it? :)

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RoninSmall: @Tahrey: I would like to make several resin cast copies by caster-pirates ( that trade figures for tabletop wargames ) or through official casters. but it is expensive and I do not want to give my Katia on molding. And I think Kaz will not like it if some man would make money by using his character

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Geravind: @Tahrey:"Katy likes that, yay!
This one appreciates the art."