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Geravind: Где ещё две катаны, чешуйчатое?!

Прикона. =*_*=
Откуда там крылья, так и не понял... ну, Каз такой Каз -- ему видней.

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Tahrey: "Where else two katanas, scaly ?!

Prikona. = * = * _
From there the wings, and did not understand ... well, so Kaz Kaz - he knows better."


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Geravind: @Tahrey: Damn, have you forgotten -- G-T is inadequate like a drunken zombie sometimes!

"Where are two more katanas, scaly?!

Nice. =*_*=
Where/when/how she got those wings? Oh, Kaz is such a Kaz, he knows that for sure."

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doodlemancer: NICE