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POMA: Pineapplepeak is Prequel's spiritual successor featuring unlucky courier girl, lovely law enforcer, huge bitch that ruins protagonist's life, vague references to pineapples and much much more. (Too bad it availible only in Russian)

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Geravind: Awww. :3 Katia has such an interesting expression here!

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Geravind: @POMA: Помыч, -негодник!- ты подсадил меня на ещё один офигительный комикс! =-_-=
Как теперь жить...

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Tahrey: The only thing i want to know is why that other person has a brightly coloured bra on their head.

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Geravind: @Tahrey: That's a foolish but nice cap. Callidora is all about that. Her womanhood is a bit weird... But all that webcomic is completely adorable!

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Tahrey: Totes a brahat, Ger :D