Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images.


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Tubeman1: Kazerad you're so awesome! This is a basic edit and I hope I did a good job on it.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Tubeman1: Great Job.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Tubeman1: Nah, but in all seriousness, nice edit!

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Tubeman1: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Thanks a bunch.

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Tubeman1: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: By the way I'm still learning how to use this, I just made this account.

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Geravind: "Hi, sweety! Do you want some jam off this one's neck?"

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AMKitsune: Just to make things extra clear, I added Kazerad as an artist tag and put a link to the indiegogo project as the source for the original image. Edits like this (which are essentially 'cleaning up' Kazerad's other images) are often questionably eligible for posting here. Most people have absolutely no issue with them, we just need to be careful that we don't end up getting overwhelmed by them over new original content. If you do feel the need to upload an edit, be sure to tag the original artist (with the tag "Artist:ARTISTNAMEGOESHERE") and 'edit' (as you've already done here).

This is a good clear edit that's really well done. You wouldn't know it's a fan edit by simply looking at it. But it's also extremely similar to the original, which somewhat limits it's eligibility to be here as a piece of 'fanart'. I won't remove it (as that's not a call I feel I have the right to make alone for pieces like this) but just be aware that edits like this aren't always able to be considered 'new works' in their own rights.

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POMA: Well to be fair it's not good edit considering how much was cleared. You can see here that hairline is almost straight here which is not what can we see on other pictures of Nah on IG page. Also her jacket on the left side goes up in weird manner and flows right into her skirt instead of covering it.

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Tubeman1: @POMA: In my defence this is my first ever edit plus I was merely practising using MS Paint so I kind of figured I'd make some errors, I just wanted to show my work.

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Tubeman1: @AMKitsune: I'll remember that for next time, thanks for the tip.

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MANAMEISVIKTORREZNOV: Why does my neck hurt???