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Filthypaladin: I didn't know how to put the "QUESTIONABLE" thingy on. Uhh... this should be fine right? I mean, Kaz posted a full frontal version... right?

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Filthypaladin: nah, false alarm.

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AMKitsune: @Filthypaladin: I think this should be fine here. Sure the pose and angle are a little provocative, but not overly so.

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Geravind: =ಠ_ಠ= How it's questionable, dammit?

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CaptainLackwit: Damn FP, I can hardly tell if it's you or Kaz these days.

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POMA: @CaptainLackwit: Notice broken torso and quite big head for this angle of perspective.

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Geravind: @POMA: This one can adopt the position without breaking his torso!
Yes, the head is a bit bigger than... than usual khajiit head.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: You continue to impress me, Paladin, Very nice work, (dat ass tho, is good.)

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: But(t) seriously, that tush is purr-fect.

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KillerfishSG: Why's this questionable? Isn't that a suit? Unless it's painted on? xD

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AMKitsune: @Geravind: @KillerfishSG: It's probably the skin tight suit+ass combo.

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Skoon: Murr

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Tahrey: Questionable for the slight outline of butt and underboob inside a (from-this-angle) concealing outfit? Don't be silly...

Still loving the green lantern glowies btw.

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Tahrey: Also, she's Felis Sapiens, therefore usual simian standards of skeletal flexibility do not apply.