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wingsofwrath: First Prequel fanart I ever drew. Found out about the contest a few hours ago and I hope I just made it under the wire.

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CaptainLackwit: Well it certainly tells a story.

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Nyflex: Finally she conqquered the Universe!

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Arcsome: I love how vader is all like "yes my lord" and she is just like "first we take over the moon to establish a universal taco shop" lol

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Yewty: yas.

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wingsofwrath: @ CaptainLackwit @Nyflex Well, I figured that if there was anybody to get drunk and accidentally take over the Universe it was our Katia. Her pineapple and yo-yo trick is simply THAT impressing. Sure, stumbling and accidentally pushing Palpatine down an air shaft might have also had something to do with it, but still, it's a really good party trick and if there's something the Sith love is good party tricks.
@Arcsome Not really at that point yet. Right now she is more at the "I did WHAT last night ?!" stage.

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Tahrey: Strong shades of Robin becoming a senator after eating an entire bowl of Creme Eggs in Shortpacked!, here :D

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wingsofwrath: @Tahrey Ha, never thought of it this way, but now that you mention it, it's probably what I was subconsciously channelling when I drew this.

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wingsofwrath: @Tahrey: Ha, never thought of it this way, but now that you mention it, it's probably what I was subconsciously channelling when I drew this.

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Darth_Vader: I need my master

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Lord_Vader_777: We need more of this

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Javelin: Did you ever hear of the tragedy of Darth Sidgrid the wise?

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DarthVader: What is thy bidding my master?