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FistHombre: Done in Kerbal Space Program, this was an absolute pain in the ass to launch. Let it be known that 2016 is the year Katia reached for the stars(the moon)
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Thebaconator3: Nice KSP thing.
as another kerbonought what mod do you use to color the parts. Also we need to have a gharug spaceship come and obliterate this thing with BDarmory

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Nyflex: I love that face :)

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FistHombre: I used KerbPaint, although it hasn't been updated in ages so it causes a lot of strange conflicts with the rest of the game such as many engines exhaust becoming invisible as well as making no sound. That might be fixable through some means, I just grabbed the mod for Pineapplepollo-13 purpouses

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FistHombre: Oh and, should Kazerad be tagged as an artist? It is his drawing on the flag after all
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Thebaconator3: I could have a look at kerbpainter and try to fix it. Not making any promises though

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Tahrey: KSP is a nice metaphor for KM's struggle...

Also, Katia Space Program...?

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FistHombre: @Tahrey: Khajiit space program? If I knew how, I would have made a mod that replaced Mun and Minmus with Secunda and Masser to make this just a teeny bit more lore friendly

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Tahrey: Hehehehe...

(...I don't know what any of that means)

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FistHombre: @Tahrey: Moons n shit

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Tahrey: Ah, gotcha. I thought they were the other guys in the module or something.

Just noticed the lander is very vaguely pineapple shaped btw

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FistHombre: That was the idea, during the first few designs the aerodynamics weren't havin none of it so I had to compromise a bit on the original design

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Tahrey: yeah it's rather more like a turnip now :D

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FistHombre: “We choose to go to the moon in a turnip instead of a pineapple not because it is hard, but because it is comparatively easy.'' -John F. Kennedy

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Tahrey: That's the great thing about quotes on the internet, they're always 100% true and accurate.

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korblborp: Space Cat adventures!