Deliver fleeting happiness to a fellow mortal. Comment on their works.


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MikeyTheFox: haha! now that's a funny awesome turn from the original XD

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Kazerad: Hey mods, I'm featuring this and nobody can stop me!

(just kidding, any of you could stop me. But don't, I like it)

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MikeyTheFox: Oh no that's fine. I actually enjoy it as well
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MetalC0Mmander: Feels like somone as watched the recent shitshow.

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angrybacteria: Knowledge (Self) Increased
Knowledge (Internet) Increased
Knowledge (Fandoms) Increased
Pain Increased

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Grape: @Kazerad: You're only doing this to remove the 'update when'

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Tahrey: Well, at least on the left, "magika recharged".

And yeah, given that Katia seems to have a pretty good memory for facts read from books, she could do with just hanging out in the bookshop and leafing through everything to do with alchemy, spells, combat techniques and local geography, until such point as the shopkeeper gets terminally annoyed and throws her out.

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Fralex: @MikeyTheFox: What's the original?

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Fralex: You absolute madman, you don't know the original?

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Fralex: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: OH, that! I thought it was a reference to some previous fanart.

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Tahrey: Fralex: You really need to do an internet.

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Totally_not_a_furry: *book reading skill decreased*
Equivalent exchange

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AMKitsune: I can't help but imagine Katia doing some kind of 'happy dance' in that last panel.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @AMKitsune: That is amazingly adorable.