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Tags adorable artist:xCoyote character:Katia_Managan eyepatch photo
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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Well, isn't this just cute?

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AMKitsune: After drawing a series of cats on my little chalkboard, my sister decided to pull up a reference pic on her phone and draw Katia. The hand doesn't really match, but in her typical fashion, she doesn't really care XD.

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Geravind: If the teacher didn't like it, tell him/her "primitive!".

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: This is adorable :3

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YUKAN: rip in pieces to all the chalk sticks that seppuku'd because of this

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AMKitsune: @YUKAN: There we 6 sticks of 'cheap chalk like substance' before she started. Now there are 9 yet none were added! Explain that with your science.

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Vidiotdragon: No one gonna comment on the clever jerry-rigged duct-tape chalk bench?
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MetalC0Mmander: @Vidiotdragon: It just waiting to accumulate enough dust so that it isn't adhesive enough making it fall and break al the chalk.

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YUKAN: @MetalC0Mmander No need to wait, the chalk will break long before that

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Tahrey: How big is that? :3