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Uploader mhonnie,
Tags artist:mhonnie blood knock_off Kvatch_arena_armor looking_badass magic_fire yellow_eyes
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BadReligion: Even if I hate this style I have to say, nice.
But(t) work on eyes positioning, one eye on the ground one in the skies. :v
Anyway wondering how or who cut off half of her tail.
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TemporaryFace: Pshaw, this style's great, and I don't see anything wrong with the eyes. The tail is a little off, though.

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OppoQuinn: I agree with TemporaryFace, I really like the style but the tail is much too short and thin. Other than that, this is really nice.

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Cryptid10: I like the dagger. It's similar to Talions from Shadow of Mordor.

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Kazerad: @Cryptid10: I'm pretty sure it's a broken sword! But then again for all practical intents and purposes I'm not sure there's much of a difference. It fits with the intimidating damaged armor mishmash, though.

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CaptainLackwit: The broken sword reminded me of Dark Souls

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Cryptid10: @Kazerad: I know, but Talion's dagger was a broken sword too. It looks very similar to it.

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Tahrey: The hips are a bit weird (seem too low and pull in rather sharply, like there's a really tight corset under the raiment), and there's too many fingers (why does everyone insist on turning her into some kind of hideous polydactylic mutant?!), but otherwise this is awesome ^_^