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OppoQuinn: This makes me want there to be a spin-off or alternate universe where the four of them go off as a party and have all sorts of adventures. In terms of the Oblivion canon it's unlikely if not impossible, but I can still dream.

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Nyflex: Somehow they look like a family. And Katia is dad.

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unknown_victor: ASOTIL looks really sinister. Apart from that great work!

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Vidiotdragon: Character Select from Tower of Doom?


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compaqness: Yes! I'm glad you picked up the reference! I was thinking about how a Prequel adventure party would look like and remembered how ToD presented it's characters and thought it'd be neat draw it that way.

Though I'm not sure how likely this combination would be in the actual story :p

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Kewot_Rokar: Katia and Quill's design is just amazing!

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Adroma: That one imperial guard who didn't die in the breaking of the siege of Kvatch(ASOTIL) brings along his other guard comrade who then meets an alcoholic khajiit who then drags along her lesbian argonian friend on an adventure.

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reiler12: Adventure time

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Tahrey: Coming to your screens every saturday morning at 7.30am from May 14th

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Tahrey: @OppoQuinn: Nah, Gaius Dad, Quill Mom, Asotil & Katia the unruly kids. Except the Bart / Lisa roles are reversed.

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Tahrey: And the Marge / Homer ones too, really
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Mrc_MP: I thought this was based on the resistance members of 'The legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess'. You know, the guys that help you at the nearly end of the game.