The only reward you shall receive is eternal pain and maybe a comment or two.


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Tags adorable artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan Kvatch_arena_armor sketch
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POMA: Im practicin perspective so would like to hear any critique before I start coloring this picture.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: The hands should be closer, because the way she's posed, she would probably topple over, (fitting, seeing as her luck isn't good anyway) it looks unnatural. Her eyes are a little close, they need to be slightly squished horizontally. everything else, it looks fine to me. (and still adorable!)

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CaptainLackwit: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Does have a tail to help balance her out though.

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POMA: She's leaning forward on her hands, sideview is something like this - http://i.imgur.com/S7SvlQr.png

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angrybacteria: I'd suggest that you give more bend to her arms. When they form a right angle like this it makes her look very close to the surface she is leaning on.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: My adorable have been officially worn out.

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Skoon: Her elbows should be facing back into the distance a bit more and her "arm pit area" wouldn't be quite as visible.

It's actually a really good attempt however.
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BadReligion: Yes you dumb cat, it is your nose, leave that mirror alone.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: It's just to gods damn cute!

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Geravind: Ха, Катька тоже любит кривляться в зеркало!

Вообще-то с этой стороны запястья должны быть не такие тонкие... даже у Кати. Перспектива это хорошо, но, если представить её распрямившейся обратно, не похоже, что в бёдрах она чуть шире плеч, а у девочек именно так.
Навряд спереди будет виден именно прямой угол в локтях (довольно неудобная поза, сам проверил). Локтевые щитки чуть выверни назад, т.к. предположительно кисти и локти немного позади плеч.

В целом няшно, продолжаю любить твой стиль рисования. =*_*=