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AMKitsune: Just adopt it as a 'pet'. I'm sure it'll fare much better than your old ones...

(It won't. It'll die and everyone will celebrate)
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Stankloid: He'd probably like Tamriel, where no one values human life in the slightest and you'll get killed by the guards for picking up a spoon.

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Pepsidude: [E] Pick Flowey

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Guardian: I'd love to see how this turns out XD

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Toryu-Mau: Huh, I'd figured Mercy would be quill's choice.
Still, if carma is a thing that exists, it's here now. At least quill will get a whole new story of criminal underground, the likes of which she has never imagined before.
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Riddle78: Kill it. It'll be a mercy.

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Guardian: Although she like to see plants wither and die remember so I think she might do that for flowey or at least I hope

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MikeyTheFox: I named this piece "Its Quill or be Quilled"
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MetalC0Mmander: @MikeyTheFox: I know it's an undertale reference but the only thing I could think about when you said this was this. [ url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZotFNHt7Z4[/url]
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MetalC0Mmander: Fuck... ok Gonna do this right this time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZotFNHt7Z4