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sapphotrix: ok here is the actual version. as you can tell this one is a gif, and i totally giffed it first try, because i *definitely know how photoshop works.

anyway, its katia trying to impress rajirra with her pickpocket skills

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: this is incredibly animated, good work!

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sapphotrix: thank you!

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Guardian: This is awesome! Brilliant work nice clean animation!

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Geravind: Heh, nice little story.
...and completely not racist. XD

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Nicely done, this one approves.

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OppoQuinn: Always look out for Khajiit

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Skoon: This is my favorite.

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Mezhik: Amazing!
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chessaficionado: this looks amazing! Poor traveling enchanter

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Toryu-Mau: Reinforcing racial stereotype are we?
PS: ¡ENCHANTMEN! has negative perception confirmed.

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Cloudheart: @sapphotrix , I hope you don't mind me peeking into this gif. I really wanted to know how to do the nervous jitter thing.

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sapphotrix: @Cloudheart: ahh, not at all! https://db.tt/lnVWSJiX here's a link to download the psd, if you'd like to see more than just the individual frames! (although i warn you, it's a complete mess)

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furnut: "That's racist!"

Also, funny that the robber was wielding a pineapple.

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JaneC: This is great! The only thing I'd have to say is that it's kind of weird that the Argonian just... completely stops moving or doing anything when Katia and Rajirra show up, until Katia starts pickpocketing him.

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sapphotrix: @JaneC: time stops when you talk to someone!