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tronn: "Katia baking for 4chan"

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Geravind: Taaaaaaaaaail!
Even the cold stones seem bent on preventing passage Kaz started to fool around about it. =Т_Т=

Doesn't QW like the cookies?...

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Geravind: Kaz, in your art-style the kitty lacks cheeks ...because of big eyes?

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Radian: @Geravind: Seems legit.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: This is adorable simply for the fact Katia actually cooked, and is smiling.

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Bakannon: I'm surprised Quill isn't desensitized to Katia's antics involving a lack of clothing by now.

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tronn: I like your style Radian! I like you!

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Radian: @tronn: But it's Kaz's style ;) And actually a bit of pain in ass for me...
Thanks mate

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Vidiotdragon: "Why aren't you?"

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Toryu-Mau: "These brownies were baked with magic. Space magic."

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furnut: @Radian: lolol good edit m8

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furnut: naked apron is best apron

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Enheldor: @Radian: I especially love that no one has commented on the fact that now Quill is a snake. With arms. And an extra tail. Like a mer-snake. But not part fish, part snake. Lizard + snake.

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Enheldor: @Radian: Reminds me of this guy:

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DavidTheZettaNerd: She's not naked she has an aprin. rude much../