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Uploader Preston_Garvey,
Tags character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text
Source Unknown
Locked No

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Preston_Garvey: ok please tell me how to put the stuff on deviant art on to here because I am screwing up badly here

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AMKitsune: @Preston_Garvey: You can't (as far as I'm aware) upload images directly from other websites to here. The only way is by uploading them from the local storage of the computer/device that you're using.

As far as image sizes go, even if you upload an absolutely massive image, when someone looks at it, they can always click the image itself to resize it to fit in their browser. If you want to upload a smaller image though (which load faster and are generally better for older phones/tablets), you can either resize them with some image editing software, scan/photograph the original at a lower resolution (or lower DPI setting).

Or, if you've already uploaded the image to DA, save a copy of one of DA's resized versions of the picture and upload that instead.

For changing pictures already on this booru, only moderators can do that I'm afraid. However, if you want to, you can use the "Report Image" button over on the left to request an image to be replaced (Just be sure to remember to include a link to the new picture that you want it replaced with). In this case, I've gone ahead and replaced this one for you.

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Preston_Garvey: It works fine everywhere else except here. Aswell as Kaz said he took the one from deviant art on the last one I did and put it here.

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protofun: V DAMKE!
Мемасики подъехали

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AMKitsune: @Preston_Garvey: I don't know about other booru's, but that's how it works here (This is quite a basic booru, software wise, so it doesn't have quite as many features as other may have). Also, I asked him about it and Kazerad says that he had to download your image from DA before replacing the version here.

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RoninSmall: @protofun: пускай езжают нахуй. Таких мемоделов пора юзать как контейнеры для вывертов
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CipherSyndrome: @Preston_Garvey: This is good attempt at the Cheeki Breeki picture (don't know what it is called) but you forgot the hat, or did it not work with the ears

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Preston_Garvey: Comrade Cipher I tried the hat, the hat made Kat not look like Kat, so enough of that hat.

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Preston_Garvey: Also I cannot speak Russian
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CipherSyndrome: A lot of at comrade