Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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furnut: A quite different but similar story line if Katia was actually a normal cat.

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AMKitsune: Cat: Sit majestically upon one of those wooden logs then spaz the fuck out for no apparent reason.

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furnut: @AMKitsune: Broken Game Physics: Activate when cat sits on log.

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Myeyah: Welp it's time to scratch up a general store sign, follow some shiny blue lights into an Aylied ruin, lead a necromancer with a cat thing back to a lizard's house, and then proceed to snuggle with Lizard the next night.

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Skoon: haha Prequel Adventure: Making an actual cat cry

Alert PETA.

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sHiiNe: Would she still get offended by cat jokes or would it be khajiit jokes instead?

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furnut: lol at the Fine_Art tag

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furnut: @sHiiNe: I sat here for two minutes thinking of an answer. I'll let someone answer that for you.

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Dugar: You are a good for you

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Verskon: First Day Katia:
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ZombiCat: @furnut: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/HoUccLx-I0R1BqUKrmnLum2tKvJfmpt4Vm9LzFo6EhF3JjMzVGbGFd6RrUeMWrmp81uUouup3rbqLT_zKFjy_fJmc9l-_i4Zdg=w1440-h900-no
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