DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Deleted images are cast into Oblivion along with their creators. Image Uploader furnut, December 25, 2016; 00:17 Tags amulet_of_silence artist:Furnut cake character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave christmas Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Daedric_text imp Khajiit khajiit_racism knock_off lockpick pineapple pineapple_and_yo-yo_trick skeletons yo-yo Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible December 25, 2016; 00:17 - Reply furnut: Merry Kazemas, everyone! And a happy new burnt down evergreen tree! December 25, 2016; 00:42 - Reply CaptainLackwit: This was really quite creative and charming. Well done. December 25, 2016; 01:40 - Reply DarkD: Them hidden Daedric messages! December 25, 2016; 03:41 - Reply BadReligion: A'right, all these Quills ain't gonna hug themselves. ༼ つ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ༽つ December 25, 2016; 10:10 - Reply Mezhik: @Kazerad:APoorlyDrawnCatHead is fine too =] December 26, 2016; 03:16 - Reply Myeyah: Thanks Furnut for... *this*! December 26, 2016; 07:26 - Reply Radian: I wonder can Katia handle 4 pineapples at the same time... December 26, 2016; 13:34 - Reply ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Radian: That's a dumb question, the pineapple doesn't even go anywhere. December 26, 2016; 13:51 - Reply Radian: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Have you seen the trick? I'm doubt pineapple just lying around while process. December 26, 2016; 14:40 - Reply ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Radian: No, but there are more reasonable guesses than her sticking it up something. The most reasonable guess, and realistic guess, while still being the 'impossible' is kegel lifting. December 27, 2016; 02:55 - Reply someguy0214: I could translate daedric text, but I won't, cuz Imma lazy person c: also there is an easter egg in the text December 27, 2016; 03:00 - Reply Verskon: This is just amazing. xD December 31, 2016; 19:12 - Reply Ranbyte: With her magic, Katia needs all 10 of those pendants. April 30, 2017; 08:42 - Reply CyVoltage:
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also there is an easter egg in the text
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