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Rick2tails: “Smile you son of a…B*TCH!” here its not a shark but several slaughter fish that prove an obstacle to our intrepid heroes!

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Preston_Garvey: Katia use fire... wait water
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BadReligion: Series of the unfortunate events:Wide Window?

@Preston_Garvey: Water+fire=smokescreen :^)

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Enheldor: @BadReligion: *steamscreen

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furnut: Hey don't worry! These slaughterfish only eat wood! So you two are completely safe!

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @furnut: Nah, pretty sure they'd get eaten as well, just give them time.

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FriendOfFennecs: @furnut: Well, Quill is. Katia, on the other hand, will have to be pretty darn quick about learning to swim.

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Enheldor: @FriendOfFennecs: At least they're not in Skyrim; in Cyrodill, you are allowed to use a sword underwater.

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Rick2tails: if only they had a pressurized scuba tank