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Tags character:Katia_Managan Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow fansnark green_eyes knock_off text
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AGMsInbound: Sorry, I was looking at the mysterious absence of matter hanging by a string from around your neck. It looks like something should occupy the space but is disturbingly absent.

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bluedraggy: Wow. Now that I've done a bit of coloring and shading, I see something like this and feel so humbled. And I thought the sketch before was awesome! If the lack of an update caused this to be made, maybe we don't really need that update so bad! :)

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XenoYparxi: @bluedraggy: Don't even say words like these

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XenoYparxi: Also, I think tags are really missing...

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Rick2tails: to quote Homer "I made my choice"

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Geravind: Твои глаза не "сверху в там", а стрёмные какие-то, и ушки мышиные -- вяжи со скуумой...

Но сё равно твой стиль по мелким деталькам угадывается за милю, молодец, что продолжаешь).
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Petrified_Yo-yo: FAP FAP FAP- Oh yeah, hey

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furnut: [Occasionally glances down when she blinks]

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DOOMGUY11: Ah come on you have a sign around you neck! That ain't fair!

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Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... Which brings us to the dilemma of people wearing skimpy clothing that barely cover anything and then accuse people of staring at them. >),:^/
Well, then... perhaps wear something that does the intended function of a clothing instead? >):^?