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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Bluedragon: Captioning contest I think is in order! Here, I'll start you off...


“You know, this NEVER would have happened if you’d have let me wear a bodysuit underneath like YOU do, Foxman!”

“Oh shut up and get in the Foxmobile, Katin. You’re starting to gather a crowd! Oh NO! Dammit, there’s Johnny with his damned camera!”


“Apparently Spandex isn’t flexible enough for you, Girl Wonder. How do you feel about Latex?”

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Bluedragon: Contest - whoever comes up with the best caption I'll buy a $10 commish from Kaz (assuming it's acceptable of course)

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Rick2tails: HOLY wardrobe malfunction (Batman) Katia!

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Rick2tails: this turned out well! thanks for coloring it!

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Enheldor: Good golly gosh Batman, do you feel a breeze today?

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Sybracus: "Wait? This isn't why you wanted me in tights?"


"Bang! Pow! Pop!"

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Bluedragon: Just FYI - not gonna have time to decide for tonights stream so will give this a day or two, pick best, and commission for next stream.

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Preston_Garvey: "Holey halibet foxman, the gro-ker is getting away"
"He seems lucky Katin, too lucky, we have to get to the foxcave"
"We need to use the supercomputer to pinpoint his location"

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Bluedragon: Wow! Thats not a caption, that's a chapter Preston! :) A good chapter though!

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Bluedragon: Either I've just had an inspiration, or trying to post on the Internet after 2 hours sleep is a bad idea. Been trying to think of names that work for our Girl Wonder and I think I like Kitin. Hmm. Katin didn't look right either. I'll keep working on that.

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Rick2tails: I like Kitin/kitten

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Bluedragon: I think I have to give it to Rick2tails first one as being best in-character. "Holy wardrobe malfunction Kittin!"

Rick2tails, shoot me a request (or better yet, be on the stream) and I'll buy you a $10 commission of anything you like. Needn't be related to this.

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Bluedragon: Well... as long as Kaz accepts it that is of course!

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Enheldor: Congrats Rick, yours was really good; it's the one I wanted to do, but you beat me to it.

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Rick2tails: holy guacamole Batman! I won! well thats nice of you to offer Bluedragon. I`ll pick something next stream we both attend I guess?