DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Betray your fellow mortals by reporting violated rules. Your continued existence is your only reward. Image Uploader XLINE, March 25, 2017; 10:51 Tags adorable animation artist:wookylee character:Katia_Managan not_sure_if_racist Skyrim Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible March 25, 2017; 11:03 - Reply XLINE: It's not mine. Anon users of Korea draw this arts I hope kazerad know there are lot of fans of prequel adventure in asia and we still wait update! March 25, 2017; 17:36 - Reply AMKitsune: I don't want to spam by saying this on each image, so I'll just say it here. My god, these are all brilliant! March 26, 2017; 12:15 - Reply furnut: damn that's so cute :D March 27, 2017; 01:56 - Reply Geravind: Damn, it's looking good! The artist should be proud of himself. March 28, 2017; 22:21 - Reply Rick2tails: this is so god damn adorable!! :) April 8, 2017; 18:57 - Reply Sunny: @furnut: @Rick2tails: What they said. April 8, 2017; 22:39 - Reply Toryu-Mau: I can't... Just can't handle this weapons grade kewl.
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Anon users of Korea draw this arts
I hope kazerad know there are lot of fans of prequel adventure in asia and we still wait update!
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The artist should be proud of himself.
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What they said.
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Just can't handle this weapons grade kewl.