Moderators can add new Daedric Fun Tips. Kazerad probably won't even notice, and the site does not log who added them.


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OppoQuinn: That's the site that makes reverse image searches for fan art a massive pain in the ass.

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Geravind: А как он узнал про риахтур?... =>_>=

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Radian: @Geravind: Старая история про официальность перевода.

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RoninSmall: Ааах, ностальгия-то какая

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Geravind: @Radian: Чую, сабж тогда был типа "что?... я?... офиц перевод?... а... нет... не знаю... да пошли вы! курите там, что хотите" ("...я и оригинал-то никогжда не закончу" -_- /okay-face ).

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Baz1S: @Geravind: http://old.reactor.cc/user/Kazeradium/comments/2 Вот, тут можно подробно рассмотреть это интересное стечение обстоятельств.

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Mezhik: @Baz1S: а тем у кого с языком создателя не очень, коротко, простыми словами - я думаю что вы не сможете перевести мой юмор, хватит, не надо?

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Geravind: =о_о= Ого, как подгорело у дяди Каза... (этот, как его ...капитализмъ)
Среди его "многабукаф" нашлось немало зашкваров:
какие-то воображаемые неисчислимые "ожидатели высоких планок", резко/безвозвратно плюнувшие но сабж (=ленивые жопы, не могущие в ладжяджю и решительно ставящие Х на наслаждении его творением (своём мозговом развитии), хотя <u>сознательно</u> читали "пэрэвэдэно с божией помощью", полностью осознавая, что некоторое из там может быть "потрачено");
какие-то дорогие high-grade профффесионалы там у него в коморке папы Карло, херячащие труъ-перевод так, что аж дым идёт (похоже, им с трудом успевают стёршиеся накладки на пальцы и клавы менять);
какие-то там ональные коратели DMCA, с кипятильником и буром для зимней рыбалки днём и ночью ищущие переводителей без спроса...

Ну... в некоторой степени я его негодование понимайт и одобрям. В "некоторой", пушо я и не читал той ваш пэрэвод, собсно -- мне брат его случайно показал, я потянул за ниточку и читал ориджиналь жы. Но даже в оригинале я не мог головой мозга в те некоторые "многа смищно" из-за разницы культур (+ я не фапаю на все абсолютно мемы в этих ващих тырнетах).

Kaz, excuse this one -- Khajiit tried to... ahem... realign the hard-points of misunderstanding in your... ancient indignation words.

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Baz1S: @Geravind: Моя любимая часть - это где он хотел сделать свой перевод. Особенно, ироничность ситуации растёт в нынешних реалиях, где он не может обновить свой комикс в течении декады.
I am going to work on making my own, approved translation

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CoCoNO: Dear russian friends, could you tell us about wth are you talking about?

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Enheldor: @CoCoNO: Google translate helps with the gist of the conversation, but I have some weird, untranslatable words and I don't quite get the nuances tat I'm sure are there.

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CoCoNO: @Enheldor: I translated the conversation but i cant make sense of any of it

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Enheldor: @CoCoNO: Some people were making a Russian translation with a basic English understanding; the Russian translation turned out to be poor quality, missing many subtleties and word plays. The two gentlemen here were discussing this event, but I really only understand as much by following this link: http://old.reactor.cc/user/Kazeradium/comments/2 and reading Kaz's comments.

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CoCoNO: @Enheldor: HOLD THE FUCK UP.

so the russian translation is delaying new updates?

who would have thought it

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Baz1S: @CoCoNO: We were talking about interesting incident happened in 2014. There is no point in translating our lines without context(btw, some of ger's sentences doesn't make any sense even in russian D:). Here's a little explanation. Our discussion is mainly about those posts.

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Baz1S: @CoCoNO: http://imgur.com/a/oG2Al link isn't working for some reason.

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Enheldor: @CoCoNO: I don't think Kaz is actually doing an official Russian translation, but I could be totally wrong. This all happened in 2014, however, so it definitely probably did not affect our current Merch Hiatus. If anything, the empty time waiting for other people after finishing the shipping could have been useful for doing a translation, so we may get one a surprise product of the Merch Hiatus.

@Baz1S: So that would be why I get really, really weird sentences with even more weird words?

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Baz1S said:
btw, some of Ger's sentences don't make any sense even in russian D:

Enheldor said:
So that would be why I get really, really weird sentences with even more weird words?

Кхаджит ошеняма сложный в руськый (а в ланджяджю и подавно) -- Кхаджит не виноват.

Представляю, как из г-т искры и гайки посыпались, когда он мой авторский стиль туда закинул. =^_^=

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AlTan: @Enheldor: I could not agree more. Personally, Kazared put comic translate back constantly. Maybe from this:

Literal translate be very very weird, if it is course / (Remind the joke about line and fe-line) That is no joke on Russian. Like a powlympics and etc. Big part of humor will turn out mess (illegible wasts) when translated. So i can't understand his (Kazared's) nit-picking and tired face. Hello Kazared ! Are you from coust? You are from coust? There is no differences in russian and it's not so important. More important thingths will be lost more over then "are you from the coust"?

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XenoYparxi: If Kaz is going to translate the comic into russian... well... good luck then Russian is pretty hard for non-slavic/baltic speakers. I don't care though, I read the original one

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protofun: Ого. А с переводом были лютые проблемы, да? Он вроде бы был более-менее. Я так понимаю сам Каз был против? Грустно это все.
А так, слава вождю конечно.

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protofun: Да, перевод довольно... своеобразный. Я не говорю что он плохой, но выглядит слегка странно.
I think I can see whrere the problem comes from.

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Enheldor: @Geravind: What I mean by weird words and sentences:

"ошеняма" translates to "oshenyama", and I have no clue what that is supposed to mean. But I'm sure it means something important in Russian.

As for weird sentences, "Представляю, как из г-т искры и гайки посыпались, когда он мой авторский стиль туда закинул." translates to "I imagine so from Mr. Sparks and nuts fell when he is my author's style to get tossed." Like I said, weird sentences that probably make perfect sense to Russian readers. I really wish Google translations were better.

@AlTan: One thing I saw from Kaz's comments there was that he has a Russian speaking friend who would be able to better translate the word plays and puns into Russian than whoever did the one on Joyreactor. Whether he went through with that is a mystery to me because I have not seen any links around here leading to any translations.

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XenoYparxi: Even I didn't fully understand the sentenses, even when Russian is my main language This is very slangy I'd say

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Geravind: @Enheldor: If you're not Slavic -- give it up trying.

That's what this discussion is actually about! -- Even if... the God himself will translate Prequel, many "jokes" (familiar for english-speakers) can be just "invisible" for Slavs, you know...

ошеняма = очень = very (привет от Равшяна)
ланджяджя = language = English

When Khajiit goes into extreme slang, he doesn't expect any english-speaker or g-t(drunken zombie/anecdote generator) to understand a damn thing. Sorry, it turns out to be a purrfect interest-trap for you, guys. If you're trapped with it, you still can just ask this one to interpret another his "fucking shit" into something clear ...for a time.

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Enheldor: @Geravind: I think we may have been successfully nerd-sniped trying to make sense of all of this.

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AlTan: @Enheldor: That's real good. I hope his russian-speaker friend will can to adaptate comic.

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POMA: Dank, I caused some commotion here <_<
Well to start I want to say when I started that translation I was quite inexperienced in all that kind of stuff. But with practice comes expertise.
Secondly knowing that russian fanbase is not accustomed to MSPA comics style I remade the whole thing from 2nd person into 1st person which caused some troubles as the narration was constatnly switching between all three existing persons.
Next thing is joyreactor (aforementioned site where I post tranlasted comics) doesn't allow much post editing so every mistake I make stays there forever. It's really hard for me to keep working on a thing when it already looks done.
As for wordplays and puns (translating over a hundred cat puns singlehandedly gave me PTSD and I now shiver whenever I hear one) I only failed once, with red slaughterfish. I didn't even recognize a pun there let alone adapt it properly into russian, the rest I got covered for good though.
You mentioned fe-line from precede flash. I adapted in into линь-ка where линь means line and линька is hair shedding. The whole joke was something like "it takes a khajiit shedding to make one"