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Cremafied: This took me a few days and was some awesome practice for me and Clip Studio Paint

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Cremafied: Shes winding up for a fireball btw...
Not sure how well I depicted that XD

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Rick2tails: kick butt picture there!
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BadReligion: Ooohhhhh... she's mad, it's in the eyes

She's gonna throw it

Fireball with extra hate


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Bluedragon: I can certify that I got the pose instantly Cremafied. Good work!

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Cremafied: @Rick2tails: Thank you!

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Cremafied: @Bluedragon: Oh that's good, it was one of the harder things in this picture so I'm glad!
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: CanCzn I use this for a project I'm working on?

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Cremafied: @A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: yes o-o sorry