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DoubleTapMaster: Oooo this looks really good! I like that style!

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Pronin: Do you just use photoshop to make these?

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Furomone: @Pronin: Yeah, and an old mouse from 2003 I found in my attic. Primarily because it has glitter on it and lights up in pink, which I just find amusing in general.

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Pronin: @Furomone: I find it really hard to believe that this was made using a mouse. This is too good to have been made with a mouse.
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picartosux: @Pronin: I didn't think his art could get any more impressive.

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Pronin: @Furomone: Can you post pictures of the mouse?
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Furrymoan: @Pronin: Sure thing mate

(face was edited in SAI using a bamboo)
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picartosux: @Furrymoan: Holy shit, nice bamboo skills.

But really though, how is it not uncomfortable to hold the mouse in your hand, let alone draw this kinda stuff? I'd imagine all these glittery things would dig into your hand, it looks a bit painful.
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Furrymoan: @picartosux: I know, right? It's actually comfy as shit, though it's a bit small. I've been using it to play morrowind at school too, because I don't wanna pack up my proper gaming mouse every morning for half an hour of killing cliffracers and drawing cat people; surprisingly comfy.

And thanks! Though I'm saving up for a cintiq.

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Pronin: @Furrymoan: It takes a lot of skill to be doing what you do with a mouse.
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Furrymoan: @Pronin: Well, most of the animations are done with the tablet.

Though the backgrounds of the sidescrollers and the entire weird first MS Paint thing were done with a mouse, as well as some of the text.

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OhHiThere: This is good shit. I quite like how you've done the shadows, I don't know why the pixel-yness of the whole thing is so appealing to me. Just is.