Moderators can add new Daedric Fun Tips. Kazerad probably won't even notice, and the site does not log who added them.


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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Geravind: The face could be not so silly. =-_-=
Hey, nice boots there, kitty! :3
And good coloring.

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icekatze: Dramatic description: Once upon a time, in the age of mind boggling wonders of science and technology, one artist brooded upon a dark thought, for they had made no fan art of Katia Managan. Ever. And so the artist set off to correct this most grievous of errors. And so, the artist set off on a journey to create a badass picture of a badass Katia Managan. Will her action pose be actiony enough to pass muster? Will her gambeson be able to stop whatever arrows and implements of destruction that her meta-magical control apparatus fails to catch in midair? Will her flames, so crudely evoked from the aether, flicker out in the cold and uncaring night?

Perhaps in truth, none of those questions matter. For here is a hero who knows defeat and continues on unbroken. A hero who has looked her darkest fears in the eye and said, "What else is new?" A hero whose genuine care and concern for her friends burns hotter than any fire that wizards and demons can conjure.
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forestOverlord: This is really nice.

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Rick2tails: nice? this is FRICKING INCREDIBLE! awesome! :)

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icekatze: Thank ya kindly. Honestly, nice is fitting. Sometimes you can just tell while you're making something that you're spooning as hard as you can, when you'd really rather be finding a shovel. ;)

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Enheldor: @icekatze: Everyone else: "SPOON HARDER" Witchhunters: "Stop. It's shovel time."

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DoubleTapMaster: Well, she is the most badass witchhunter ever! Haha, great art! <3
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Streetwind: One of the best I've seen in a while. Featured Masterpiece, stat!

I especially like the design of the outfit/equipment.

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Toryu-Mau: Oooh, nice sense of motion going on here.
Me likes those natural colors a lot.
And those flowing ruffles on the fabric, it's so hard to get those right! I'm totally jelly.

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SlashSeven: woah, list of actual_talent tagged posts contains some incredible things