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Tags artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan drugs painted_underwear saliva
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mr_cat: welp she ded

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MudcrabWalker: her eyes remind me of a frog, lifeless with no emotions what so ever.
don't worry kitty, one day you'll be back....
one day

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Rick2tails: shes not dead shes stoned out of her gourd there

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mr_cat: isnt she alergic to skooma?

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Enheldor: @mr_cat: I think she's allergic to Moon Sugar, causing a reaction in anything made from it, legal or not.

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Paulverizer: Whoever said skooma is bad for Khajiit
was clearly not a Khajiit on skooma!


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mr_cat: @Enheldor:witch skooma is made out of moon sugar right? cuss last time i checked skooma was made of moon sugar =/

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Enheldor: @mr_cat: Yes that's what I said. But you can't say someone is allergic to the end product if they are allergic to something in it. Other things go into skooma that could cause an allergic reaction if someone was allergic to them. It's like saying "I'm allergic to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." Is it a peanut allergy? Is it a gluten allergy? Is it a strawberry allergy? Who knows, not me.

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mr_cat: alright dud =3

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GNFS: She'll be fine after other 47 bottles though.