DAEDRIC FUN TIP: A higher power gifts you comment boxes, do not sully them with unnecessary linked images Image Uploader Budnick, June 12, 2017; 00:30 Tags artist:Kazerad booze character:Katia_Managan drunk monochrome rags sketch text Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible June 12, 2017; 00:32 - Reply Budnick: Sketch from 5/23/17 live stream. Commission was "An ad (or scene from a commercial) for Cheapest Mead." Nice work Kaz. June 12, 2017; 03:07 - Reply Geravind: Nice emotion, yay! June 13, 2017; 05:35 - Reply CaptainLackwit: How you can tell it's genuinely Kazerad's work: Only he draw's Katia's eyebrow (her right side) that way. June 13, 2017; 21:23 - Reply Skoon: But Katia, sweetie... June 21, 2017; 06:40 - Reply bluedraggy: Hey, um, Budnick... Can I color this? Well, and post it I mean? June 23, 2017; 00:53 - Reply Budnick: @bluedraggy: Sure thing, that'd be awesome. Go for it. June 23, 2017; 00:55 - Reply Budnick: Is that a fly buzzing past Katia's chest? That's hilarious. I've had this for weeks and I just noticed it.
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