Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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Uploader realbboy,
Tags artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan humanized magnus night not_sure_if_racist rags text
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realbboy: Katia as a werehuman.

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Rick2tails: well dr kellog though so anyway
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Stankloid: I guess it makes sense she'd be a Redguard. Hammerfell represent!
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Dawoc: I'm gonna be "that guy" and say that looking at this makes me realize how quickly I would've lost interest in the comic, had Katia been human. Khajiit Katia is just too adorable.

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Lykozze: More like Katia Humanagan.

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realbboy: @Lykozze: Maybe it would be Humia Catagan?

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FriendOfFennecs: Oh, the humanity! I don't mean to make ad hominem attacks, Managan, but you're clearly lacking some man-datory training. I can see why they say "to err is human", since your kind is just so homo-geneous-
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MevisRivinel: One of the tags is "magnus." Umm . . . Don't you mean "secunda"? Magnus is the "sun" and Secunda is one of the moons . . .
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MevisRivinel: @MevisRivinel: Hmm, unless it's an eclipse . . . or the sky just decided to become a blueberry, hence the color