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bluedraggy: Goddammit it's getting so a girl can't even enjoy a popsicle in peace around here! (Sorry Quill, I don't think I have the ability.)

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fastolaf: are lizard people able to taste sweets?

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AMKitsune: @fastolaf: Surely they must do. Why ever else would Quill-Weave look so happy here? She's clearly enjoying a frozen treat on a hot day.
(It's actually a little strange to see her this happy. Normally she's either concerned or expressionless)

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fastolaf: where is her other ear flap

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Unidentified_BA: @fastolaf: http://i.imgur.com/BJo2iuU.gifv

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bluedraggy: Well, it was a quick sketch-doodle from Kaz. Background ear flaps are for high quality sketch-doodles.

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bluedraggy: Here's a corrected version with the other fin and the green chest pattern.
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BadReligion: Adorableness ◕_◕

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Toryu-Mau: Not sure if inappropriate, then realize it is only so if you let it be.